Yoga Teacher Training

yogaclassYoga Experience India offers course for 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India for intensive 5 weeks recognized by international yoga federation. Our 5 weeks intensive teacher training certificate course is well suitable for beginners as well as advanced practitioners covering all the aspects of Yoga including benefits, alignments, adjustments, modifications and counter indications of each pose (asana), pranayama, meditation, yogic philosophy and anatomy and physiology of body and mind in a systematic way. So students can strengthen their own yoga practice through self-discipline and awareness and build experience and confidence to teach others the path of harmony by yogic life.

Our 200 hours Yoga TTC  is designed in a systematic way so the student learns the whole process of yoga and can get a proper understanding about it by opening each layer of this ancient yogic science. Our teacher training program will be focused on these 10 principals of yoga for 5 weeks. Topics included
1.    Asana (hatha and primary seris of ashtanga vinyasa)
2.    Pranayama
3.    Meditation
4.    Yogic purification (Kriya)
5.    Mudra & Bandhas
6.    Anatomy and physiology of yogic practice
7.    Yoga philosophy
8.    Mantra recitation
9.    Yogic life style (diet and discipline)
10.  Teaching methodology

Detailed Syllabus

By the end of the intensive five weeks course it will be a unique life changing experience, the student will possess a firm yoga foundation for teaching others, increase his learning capabilities by many degrees in a way of self realization, proper understanding of body, mind & soul, in addition to strengthening his or her own yoga practice with self-discipline and awareness.

Upon successful graduation of the course, students receive the 200 hour training certificate enabling them to register with   International Yoga Federation in their own country.

Yoga Teacher Training – Daily Schedule

Our 200-hour program follows a tight schedule 0f 6 to 7 hrs classes a day in which we teach various aspects of yoga. The students will enjoy some free time between each class. During the yoga program we provide u 2 meals, herbal tea and fresh fruit juices. During classes the students should be equipped with notebooks to take notes in the classes. Our Certified Yoga Teacher Training Courses requires discipline and a deep passion to learn the teachings of Yoga to gain maximum benefit of yogic life style.

Daily Schedule

06.30 am                      Wake-up (wake-up herbal tea).
07.00 am                      Yogic purification / Body alignment exercise
07.45 am                      Pranayama with Mudra &Bandha
08.20 am                      Milk/ Fresh Fruit juice
09.00 am                      Hatha Yoga (Yoga teaching techniques)
12:00 pm                      Lunch
01.00 pm                      Main lecture Philosophy / Karma Yoga
02:15 pm                      Juice/ Milk/ Herbal Tea
03:00 pm                      Body Anatomy & Physiology
05.00 pm                      Ashtanga Yoga / (Advanced asana class)
07.00 pm                      Silence (Maun) / Meditation class
08.00 pm                      Dinner
09:00 pm                      Self-study / discussion / sharing with herbal tea.
10:00 pm                      Good Night

Dates & Schedules

» 01 Nov to 30 Nov 2014 Book this course
» 02 January 2015 to 31 January 2015 Book this course
» 02 March 2015 to 31 March 2015 Book this course
The total fees include All Tuition + All the Teachings: £750.

Please note:

  • Sunday day off (except for morning Hatha Yoga class).
  • Our meals our based on a vegetarian diet.
  • 100 % attendance in all classes is expected.
  • Everyone has to participate in karma yoga
  • Limited partial scholarships are available, for details please contact us.
  • Total number of seats available in our Teacher Training Course is only 25.
  • All students also get Yoga teacher training manual, kriya cleansing kit, additional lectures from guest teachers, Lifetime membership to Yoga Experience India teachers association for continual mentoring and assistance.
  • Our RYS 200 hour Yoga teacher training course is registered with international Yoga Federation.
  • All fees are based on Pound conversion rate. The deposit secures a place on the course but does not fix the rate. The rates at the time of payment in full will be applied.

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